Journey Through Time (working Title)

Jounery Through Time is the working title for a site-specific sculpture created by Adam Detre.

Adam seeks to create a sculpture that will represent idea of humans on Earth, travelling around the sun through space on a spiral trajectory. The sculpture will serve as a signpost to the stars, planets and/or constellations that are commonly visible to the naked eye from its location.

Given its proximity to Water #3, I would like for it to follow a similar ideology – a reflection of its natural surroundings – without repeating the same design.

The piece(s) will face towards the sunrise on the summer solstice which is 35° to the North East.

The Sculpture(s) would measure between 1m and 2m in diameter.

As part of a longer-term goal, Adam would create a small community of sculptures to mimic the idea of a small pre-historic community looking towards the sunrise/future/hope.

NB There is no intended religious or political statement associated with this project. Adam wants to create a symbol of positivity and hope associated with the sunrise.

Maquette - This piece as been partially carbonised

Maquette - This piece as been completely carbonised

60°07'55.9"N 23°34'10.1"E - forest near Jarnvik, near the artist’s home.

Environmental Factors

the direction and timing change a little bit every day.

Example: Filming the sunrise on 25.05.2023:

Sunrise time on the 25.05.2023 = 04:26

Sunrise elevation (when it will go above the horizon and trees = 05:00

Sunrise bearing = 42.18° - this may vary depending on the height of the horizon


The materials used for the duration of the project will focus on and communicate positive environmental practices and sourced from within the surrounding area.

The distances travelled will be minimal. By keeping material delivery, production and implementation within a limited area, the carbon footprint will remain close to zero.

It will be preferrable that all materials will have been sustainably felled, recycled, or repurposed in order to support the central theme - hoping for a better future.


The individual units would be between 1 and 2 metres tall and follow similar proportions to those shown in the maquettes.

TALISMAN will be a site-specific environmental installation that seeks to draw parallels with the Land Art movement.

It will be available for all to see for free.

For more information on any of these pieces or a proposal for a unique commission piece, please contact us